AU01: Audio / Radiospot
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
AU02: Audio Craft & Sound Design
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
AU03: Best Use of Music
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
AU04: Audio Eigenkomposition
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
BE01: Promotion & POS Experience
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
BE02: Live Marketing
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
BE03: New Use of Media
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
AD01: Art Direction
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
AN01: Animation
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
FO01: Fotografie
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
IL01: Illustration
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
TX01: Text
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
CB01: Creative Business Transformation
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
CE01: Creative Effectiveness
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
CS01: Creative Strategy
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
DE01: Graphic Communication
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
DE02: Editorial Design
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
DE03: Branding
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
DE04: Logotype & Typography
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
DE05: Package Design
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
DE06: Spatial Experience
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
DM01: Direct Marketing
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
FC01: Film Craft
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
FI01: TV, Kinospot
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
FI02: Online Video
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
IN01: Integrated Campaign
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
IN02: Branded Content & Entertainment
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
IN03: Best Use of Data
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
IN04: Innovation
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
DC01: Digital Craft
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
DI01: Digital Campaign
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
DI02: Websites, Microsites
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
DI03: Display Advertising
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
DI04: Social Media
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
DI05: Influencer
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
DI06: Games, Apps, Tools & Other Digital
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
OU01: Outdoor
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
OU02: Special Outdoor
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
OU03: Digital Screens
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
PT01: Print
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
PR01: PR-Aktion
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
PR02: Employer Branding
Early Bird Fee: €70,00
Creativ Club Austria
Theobaldgasse 16/2
A-1060 Wien
+43 (0)1 408 53 51
© CCA e.V. All rights reserved.